What Does It Cost?
It's free to list on buynewhomes. If your accept an offer, we charge 0.1% (10% of 1% of the sale agreed price) for using our service. You can see our full list of charges here.
All payments are handled securely through PayPal.
Why Sell Online?
Online is simply a smoother way to sell property.
By taking bids online, sales move quicker & buyers have confidence in the bidding process. Sellers get immediate notification of the progress of the sale and all parties can continue bidding on property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What Do I Tell Solicitors?
Once developers decide to go to market, they should instruct a solicitor to prepare the sales contract.
Quality Assurance
All agents are PSRA Registered. They will most likely also be members of the SCSI, RICS or IPAV.

Updated in real time, buynewhomes is the easiest, fastest way to buy your new home. Check out all the legal paperwork before you sign contracts with no more overnight queueing on launch day.
