It's free to list on buynewhomes. If your accept an offer, we charge 0.1% (10% of 1% of the sale agreed price) for using our service. You can see our full list of charges here. All payments are handled securely through PayPal.
Why Sell Online?
Online is simply a smoother way to sell property. By taking bids online, sales move quicker & buyers have confidence in the bidding process. Sellers get immediate notification of the progress of the sale and all parties can continue bidding on property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What Do I Tell Solicitors?
Once developers decide to go to market, they should instruct a solicitor to prepare the sales contract.
Quality Assurance
All agents are PSRA Registered. They will most likely also be members of the SCSI, RICS or IPAV.