How Do I List A Property?
1. Register for free
2. Click "Upload A Property"
3. Fill in the property details such as:
◯    Location
◯    Address
◯    Property Type
◯    Asking Price
◯    Photos
◯    Legal Details
◯    BER
4. Review The Details
5. Confirm Upload
How does Buynewhomes integrate with advertising?
When an instruction is received to sell, agents can log in & upload the details as they would with any other portal. They will be sent a custom address to use for all their other advertising media. This shortcut will allow buyers to go straight to the page for that exact property. By doing so, you as the agent keep complete control of traffic and can thusly gauge advertising metrics.
I am an Agent looking to use Buynewhomes
Super, just visit agent registration page and you can get started right away.
Alternately schedule a demonstration.
What Information does Buynewhomes Need?
Along with their business details, agents upload general property details, including price, legal packs and where the property is launching.

Updated in real time, buynewhomes is the easiest, fastest way to buy your new home. Check out all the legal paperwork before you sign contracts with no more overnight queueing on launch day.
